
Sarah (Oakes '20) Mirkovic


I love Mount because it connected me with lifelong friends and 导师, and I stay connected through alumni groups and social media.  


B.A., 人力资源管理


Westfield Center, Ohio (currently Parma Heights, Ohio)


I chose Mount because I loved the atmosphere when I visited. It felt personal and friendly, and I knew I would be afforded opportunities there that I wouldn’t get at some of the bigger schools I was looking atI love Mount because it connected me with lifelong friends and 导师, and I stay connected through alumni groups and social media.  


Through the peacebuilding and social justice minor, I was given a grant to attend a mediation training and I obtained my certificate in the fundamentals of transformation mediation. This training focused heavily on active listening and conflict resolution, which is so essential for my current job. I spend most of my days speaking with people who have just been in a car accident, 他们很沮丧. They don’t know what happens next, and they are angry at the other driver, angry at the process they have to go through with insurance, 生我的气. Knowing how to de-escalate those situations and show them I care through active listening has proved vital in providing good customer 服务, helping me live National Interstate’s motto— being your best partner on your worst day.  


Currently, I am a claims adjuster. I handle property liability claims for National Interstate Insurance. This involves verifying coverage, investigating details of accidents, interviewing drivers and owners, making liability determinations, and paying fair settlements. At this point the only real goal I have for my career is to make things better for every place I’m at. I want to bring new ideas to the table to help streamline things on the inside and improve the quality of the work we do. I also want to make things better for our customers by being a sympathetic voice and an easier person to work with.