

The program is a 27-month program that will award a Master of Science of Physician Assistant Studies degree (MSPAS) upon program completion. There is a 15-month didactic phase consisting of traditional lectures, web-based interactive learning, student laboratories and seminars; and a 12-month clinical phase which consists of patient care experience(s) at clinical practices in various disciplines of medicine.


The supervised clinical rotation schedule begins prior to the start date of the academic fall semester and ends eight weeks into the summer semester. Each rotation lasts four weeks. Students meet once every four weeks, at the end of the clinical practicum rotation, for the post-rotation Professional Development Seminar. There are two elective rotation choices (see below).


Training and development in research methodology and evidence-based practice takes place throughout the curriculum.

PA Curriculum - Total Program Credit Hours: 100

  1. Semester One (Summer I) - 15 credits (12 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 501 The Physician Assistant Profession 1
    PA 502 临床解剖学 4
    PA 503 人类生理 4
    PA 505 Genetic and Molecular Mechanisms of Health and Disease 3
    PA 510 History and Physical Exam I Techniques I and Lab 3
    学期总数    15
  2. Semester Two (Fall I) - 20 credits (16 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 504 病理生理学 4
    PA 507 病人诊断 2
    PA 511 History and Physical Exam Techniques II and Lab 4
    PA 512 临床医学I 6
    PA 515 药理学我 4
    学期总数 20

  3. Semester Three (Spring I) - 20 credits (16 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 506 心电描记法 1
    PA 513 临床医学II 6
    PA 516 药理学二世 4
    PA 517 医学伦理学 2
    PA 518 Clinical Skills and Lab 2
    PA 519 Research Methods and Evidence-Based Medicine 3
    PA 520 Behavioral Medicine and Preventive Measures 2
    学期总数 20

  4. Semester Four (Summer II) - 17 credits (12 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 514 临床医学(三) 6
    PA 521 Healthcare Policy and Delivery 2
    PA 522 领导 and Preparation for Practice 2
    PA 523 急诊医学 4
    PA 524 Integrative Patient Care Management 3
    学期总数 17

  5. Semester Five (Fall II) - 9 credits (16 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 6 xx 临床实习一 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习II 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习(三) 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习(四) 2
    PA 615 Professional Development Seminar I 1
    学期总数 9

  6. Semester Six (Spring II) - 10 credits (16 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 6 xx 临床实习五 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习六 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习七 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习七I 2
    PA 625 Professional Development Seminar II 1
    PA 660 Introduction to the Master’s Capstone Project 1
    学期总数 10

  7. Semester Seven (Summer III) - 9 credits (12 weeks)
    课程数量 课程名称 学分
    PA 6 xx 临床实习九 2
    PA 6 xx 临床实习X 2
    PA 635 Professional Development Seminar III 1
    PA 670 Master’s Capstone Project 3
    PA 671 总结性评价 1
    学期总数 9

  8. 临床实习 Courses

    The actual sequencing in the clinical year varies from student to student.  The required course names and numbers are as follows: 

    课程数量 临床实习 学分
    PA 610 家庭医学 2
    PA 611 儿科 2
    PA 620 内科医学 2
    PA 621 普通外科 2
    PA 630 妇女的健康 2
    PA 631 Psychiatry/Behavioral Medicine 2
    PA 640 有选择性的 2
    PA 641 急诊医学 2
    PA 650 选修课我 2
    PA 651 选修二世 2